Digital Marketing II

$ 300.00

This course is scheduled to be released on June 30, 2022

This course will provide learners with guides, journey maps and strategy templates as resources to help them manage, update and adapt to market and technological changes swiftly and effectively.



Target Audience

This course is for marketing Directors and Managers, young marketing professionals, digital marketing consultants, business consultants and persons looking to change roles to digital marketing.

Course Objectives

This is is a follow-up of Digital Marketing I and provides learners with a deeper focus on technical management aspects of digital marketing.

Expected learning outcomes

Learners of this course can expect to be able to;

  • manage, audit and adapt digital marketing strategies using insight driven improvements.
  • hire, train, manage and put in place an upskilling framework for the digital marketing team. 
  • put in place and manage a multi-channel lifecycle integration of all the digital marketing processes.
  • generate and evaluate analytics for  data driven insights on people, processes and investments.
  • develop, track and interpret KPIs & tools  in order to be able to justify  ROI of resources invested in digital marketing
  • monitor trends, digital marketing and adapt strategies, plans and resources to provide the businesses with the necessary agility and sustainability.

Tools & resources

This course will provide resources to help learners manage, update and adapt to market and technological changes swiftly and effectively.

Prerequisite skills

This course requires that one has taken Digital Marketing Skills I, has strong digital skills and has ability to keep up with emerging technology and marketing trends.

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