Digital Citizenship (Digital Literacy) Skills

$ 50.00

Digital Literacy skills course is part of a series of courses on life skills. This course is targeted at individuals of all ages looking to either build or upskill their digital literacy competencies. It is deal for SMEs looking to ensure their employee’s digital skills are up to date. The course provides the foundational basis upon which one can then continually upskill in the future based on how the technology sector evolves.

This course will be available from 31st July, 2022



Internet use has rapidly grown in the world and is fast gaining momentum in Sub-Saharan Africa where more and more public and private services are being offered online. Workers and business operators across virtually all sectors are expected to have sufficient digital competence in order to carry their day to day tasks.

The concept of digital citizenry combines two elements: 1) Ability to belong to the digital world by virtue of having the skills to participate in it, and 2) Ability to co-exist with others in a civil, respectful and just manner.

A lack of or low digital citizenship skills can be a major hindrance for career progress, business productivity, individual social and economic progress. Avoid being left behind and take our very comprehensive course, designed with our local contexts and realities in mind.

Target Audience

Digital Literacy skills course is part of a series of courses on life skills. These course is targeted at individuals of all ages looking to either build or upskill their digital literacy competencies. It is deal for SMEs looking to ensure their employee’s digital skills are up to date. The course provides the foundational basis upon which one can then continually upskill in the future based on how the technology sector evolves.

Learning objectives

  • Learners will be introduced to the concepts of digital citizenship and it’s six components.
  • Learners will be taken through digital citizenry and how to relate and interact with others online in a civil way.
  • Learners will taken through the concept of digital literacy and its six key areas of competence necessary for one to function as digital citizen.
  • Learners will be get an overview of the current digital skills being sought by employers, how to build and upskill in the future.
  • Learners will be taken through measures for internet safety and personal data security.

At the end of this course the learner can expected to be able to

  • Conduct information analysis, consider and judge its trustworthiness and distinguish real news from fake news.
  • Practice, upskill and put into use the various facets of digital literacy to enhance their profesional, business and personal lives.
  • Gain an awareness of relevance and importance of data privacy, internet safety, digital well being
  • Identify and take measures to avoid breach of data privacy and internet security as well as secure their digital infrastructure and devices.
  • Curate and manage a positive persona or business digital footprint on the various platforms and how to leverage them for personal and business progress.
  • Gain greater awareness of what basic digital, technical and advanced skills employers are looking for and which are projected to grow in demand.
  • Self-regulate, engage with the broad community of users and how to to balance internet use for both productive purposes and entertainment
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