FORM TEST Course evaluation Step 1 of 6 – Content review 16% Have you taken online courses before? Yes No Was the course content language easy to understand? very easy easy somewhat easy somewhat difficult difficult very difficult Did you, at any point, have to reread the content to understand it? Yes No Which sections did you feel were lacking? In what way were they lacking? On what device did you access the course? Mobile Phone Tablet Laptop Computer Desktop Computer multiple choices possibleHow did you feel while walking through the course? Was the platform easy to get familiar with? Very Easy Easy Average Not so easy Difficult Very difficult Did you feel that learning to use the platform stole valuable time off your training? Yes No Describe the difficulties encountered. To what extent was the learning adequate to help you meet your learning objectives? To a large extent Very much Much Not so much Inadequate Very inadequate Is there anything that you found to be unclear in any way or confusing? Yes No Provide details of what caused confusion.Were your learning expectations in terms of the learning process met? Yes they were Somewhat met Mostly not met Not met at all Do you feel that your knowledge or skills have been improved by taking the course? Yes No How would you rate your overall learning experience? Poor Below average Average Good Very good How could we improve the learning experience?Name the some of the things you enjoyed the most in this course. How will you apply the knowledge gained in this course? Use it in my current job Use it to look for new job Use it to seek promotion in current job How will you go about improving and building skills from here henceforth? Seek opportunities to apply skills and learn in my current job Seek opportunities to apply skills in my social community Seek opportunities to apply skills in my professional community Seek opportunities to apply skills in my business Take more courses to advance the knowledge What other area related to this course do you wish to improve or build competence in? What kind of follow-up activities would have liked after taking the course to further reinforce knowledge? Extra indepth reading material Discussion forum to discuss with other learners Coaching sessions None Would you feel confident about taking another course on the same platform? Yes No What is your age group? 18-23 23-28 28-35 Older than 35 Employment status Self-employed Looking for my first job Recently lost job Currently employed In College Which sector is your job found in? How many years of experience do you have? 0-3 years 3-5 years 5-8 years 8-10 years Over 10 years